Professional Development at NUFS
Teacher Development Symposium
Assisting the Professional Development of Teachers
The 2025 Teacher Development Symposium will be held online on Saturday 18th January from 1:00 to 6:50 pm . The full schedule, including presentation abstracts and presenter information, will be posted when available. Details of Zoom links through which to attend can also be found on that page. The symposium is a chance for teachers, trainee teachers and researchers involved in language education to share their research, ideas, activities and opinions related to the profession. The symposium is also an excellent opportunity to meet fellow teachers, researchers and trainee teachers from the central Japan region and beyond.
We welcome presentation proposals from practicing teachers, researchers and trainee teachers on subjects relating to the profession of language teaching. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please see the Call for Presentation Proposals page.
The symposium is free for all. We hope you can join us.
If you have any questions about attending the symposium or submitting presentation proposals, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Symposium Committee
Berke Alp
Nicholas Bradley
Richard Hill
Taylor Meizlish
Naoya Shibata
Lahn Tran
Camilo Villanueva
Jason Walters
Chris Ziffo
Jessica Zoni Upton