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Below are links to some professional organizations and conferences that support teacher development. 

Please note that some conference dates may be subject to change or change depending on host venue. Please always double check dates well in advance.

NUFS - The home page of Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

NUFS Library - Details of available texts and journals. This includes electronic access to NUFS own journal articles.

JALT - Website of Japan Association of Language Teaching. Annual conference is usually held in late October / early November.

JALT PanSIG - Website of the JALT special interest group conference. Annual conference is usually held in mid/late May. 

JACET - Website of Japan Association of College English Teachers. Annual conference is usually held in late August. 

CAMTESOL - Website of the Cambodia TESOL organization. Conference is usually held in mid-February.

KOTESOL - Website of the Korean TESOL organization. Conference is usually held in mid-October.

TESOL - Home page of US-based TESOL organization. Their annual conference is huge and usually held in late March / early April.

BAAL - British Association of Applied Linguistics. Annual conference is usually held in early September.

IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Annual conference held in UK usually in March or April. 


AILA - Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée or International Association of Applied Linguistics. World Congress is typically held in August. 

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